Today is florence's birthday. Usually, i call her yizì. She study ìn australia now. We didn't meet each other about 1 month already. How are you there, zhapo? That time yumcha, we forgot to take photo. So sad. After form5, we really seldom contact. You always come back never inform me.. Kanasai@@ the reason you give me is: inform szehan mean inform me too..XD but u are in australia now jor.. Sad, that time u jio me yumcha, i no free. Then made me still dunknw who is kevin..when form2 we went genting,the guy we met..?! Actually i had forgot his look@@ Im waiting for ur back@@ (my language so weird)^^ anyway,happy birthday.
Today, ì felt curious when woke up. Because it was a damn silent morning. Ya, silent morning. Every morning,i wìll receive some bomb from my mum. Lolz. One day dint receive the bomb, a bit wonder. Haha. And my dad become adnormal today. Normally he wake up at afternoon, but he woke up at 10++ today. God! I think that is because missing my mum's bomb ,he feel lonely@@ sweat.. Em, where ìs my mum? Sad, she go genting but i dunknw. Nevermind, nobody will keep say me . Actually I feel relax. Sometime must be like that la...+.+
Oya,no yet tell all of you what s the pic at the top. Dun suprise. That is 爸爸牌砂煲鸡肉. Haha. I had finìshed my work at 10pm today. When i was back, he went cook again. He said must make it hot first. So sweet and sweat. But the taste really good. Only one word: SONG!!! Hahaha. But the colour of the chicken .. Erm.. It was black. But the taste really will make you awe-inspiring. Haha. Because of 爸爸牌!!!
Tire lo. Going sleepy now. Good night and sweet dream^^